Saturday 20 October 2012

is it possible to be 100% honest in relationship????

Honest mean not pretend in front someone and tell the truth without hide something from them.
          It is possible to be 100% honest in relationship? And is good to be honest? Yes it is good to be honest…but for me that’s not issue possible or not to be 100% honest in relationship but the problem is how many percent we must be honest in relationship with family, friend, couple of person and teacher. I had classified how many percent of honest I give to them.

          First of all, the highest percent to be honest of course to my family but not 100% because not all our words they can accept. If what we want to tell them can touch their feelings or stab their heart, better we keep it deep in our heart because the words is sharp than sword.
          Almost same with family, friends and also teacher get higher percentage but little bit less than by family. Different with close friend, I am more comfortable to be honest more than teacher and friends. It because my trust to her and I believe she will never betray me.
          As a conclusion, try to be honest to all people as long as you can and at the same time try to understand their situation whether we need to be honest at that time or not.

this video about honest........(^_9)

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